The EU as a political project is in constant evolution, but tensions have come to the scene in view of the recent refugee crises, terrorist attacks and the rise of populisms within its frontiers. Those elements have intensified the tensions between the contradictory trends towards universalism and fragmentation in different fields. The Union seems to be currently in a dilemma as to its future and to whether it still is an area committed to the Rule of Law and some of its core values, as well as which position is it to hold in the world according to recent threats and difficulties coming from inside and from outside the Union itself.
The work programme plans different events addressing these. Taking advantage of the nation-wide spread of AEPDIRI, events are to be held at different locations in Spain. This permits to maximize the number of participants and the impact of the project.
The Board of the AEPDIRI is responsible for pushing forward the different phases of the project. Key staff in charge of the relevant specific event for preparation, implementation, evaluation and follow up will plan the dissemination with several and different phases and targets.
AEPDIRI has an active webpage (www.aepdiri.org) and an updated mailing list comprising 700 members, social media (facebook, twitter) and a weekly bulletin. The EUGLOBAL to-be webpage will be spread worldwide through our network of over 35 similar associations in the world, so that their dissemination channels will also be used to reach the target groups.
Besides, every Participating University will engage their communications channels: webpage and media services; contact with the Local and Regional mass media where the University stands, to attract attention of civil representatives and public at large and Local and Regional public and private partners and legal agents, for example local chambers of commerce, bar associations carrying out lawyers’ training, judges’ associations, and civil society representatives.
All events save the webinar will be preceded by a call for papers aiming at involving young researchers. Events are mostly organized in working sessions combining presentations of senior and young researchers, and topics will be addressed from a multidisciplinary perspective with a view to achieving cross-fertilization.
During the event, the AEPDIRI has a policy of using streaming, under consent of participants. All events organized are available on free basis through the website of the Association. This ensures an enormous level of dissemination not only in Spain but also in Europe and Latinoamerica.
Once the event conclude, the AEPDIRI will publish the results in books –ebooks- or in one of our open access, double-blind peer reviewed electronic journals.
The Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI) aims to contribute to the goals of the Europe 2020 strategy in setting up a smart, sustainable and inclusive economy: global growth provides opportunities for exporters and competitive access to imports, but it takes for granted an international framework which a fragmented world denies. The project focuses on the intricacies of EU policies to explore the enhancement of EU values.
Globalizing the Union's Debate: Internal and External Leadership in an Era of Challenges – EUGLOBAL
Ref.: 599757-EPP-1-2018-1-ES-EPPJMO-PROJECT
Erasmus+ Jean Monnet 2018
Programme: Erasmus+
Key action: Jean Monnet Activities
Action: Jean Monnet Projects
Action type: Policy debate with academic world
Call for proposals: EAC/A04/2015